M.E Awareness Day: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Online Event


It wasn’t too long ago that we held our expert panel event raising awareness for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

As many of you know, my journey into holistic health began when I became unwell with the illness in 2012. After having recovered in recent years through diet and lifestyle intervention, I am hugely passionate about helping others with CFS and on raising awareness for this misunderstood illness.

At ARDERE, we had a London brunch scheduled to bring and connect those with chronic fatigue together and create a supportive network.

Unfortunately, due to the recent lockdown period we had to cancel. 

However, we are now running a FREE virtual event where anyone with CFS can join. The silver lining is that now anyone ANYWHERE in the world can participate!


Tuesday 12th May at 6pm GMT (M.E. Awareness Day) via online portal Zoom.

I will be leading the call where I will introduce myself, my background and create a space for some of you that are willing to share your own experiences and challenges (no pressure if you do not want to!).

It will be a supportive space where we can gather together and not feel alone on M.E Awareness Day.

Hopefully you meet some like-minded individuals that you can connect with and receive some mindset-coaching tips as well.

I will end the session with a relaxing meditation so that you feel calm and restored leaving the call.

For those of you who are worried about being seen or heard and simply wish to watch and listen, you can have your camera and sound off - do not worry if you simply wish to spectate rather than participate.

To register your interest, simply e-mail us via our Contact Us page with your email address and express that you wish to take part in the event.

We will then send you more details and the event link ahead of the day.

Plus grab a copy of my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome book.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Lauren x


Leafy Green Shakshuka


Homemade Teff Bread