My Debut Book! “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Your Route to Recovery”

Today I have a very exciting announcement to make… over the last two years I’ve been squirrelling away in the background, keeping this very secret project under wraps and today I am thrilled to announce that…. I’VE WRITTEN A BOOK!!! 

I can’t believe I’m able to say that I am a published author!!!? This has been a dream for so many years.

As most of you are already aware, I became unwell with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) after catching a viral infection in 2012, whilst at university. The last ten years have been a journey of self-discovery and healing, as I made a variety of lifestyle changes and learned a heck of a lot of life lessons, gaining an education along the way as I reclaimed back my health. 

As a result of this experience I set up the ARDERE clinic to support others going through complex, unexplained illness and my mission was always to raise awareness of the misunderstood medical engima that is CFS/ME (and now more recently, Long COVID), with expertise from both a patient and practitioner perspective. Note: Over 17 million people worldwide live with CFS, 250,000 of which live in the UK.

I’ve worked so incredibly hard to get this book into a place that can now be ready for public consumption and for those suffering in the throes of CFS to digest and learn about the illness, including key strategies for recovery.

After witnessing a lack of comprised, evidence-based information and advice on CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Your Route to Recovery is the book that I wished I had at my fingertips during my own health journey.

Written in a CFS-user-friendly format, I contextualise what we know so far about CFS and how to get well by:

1. Recounting my own health and recovery journey.
2. Simplifying the science of what CFS is and how it affects the body, alongside an in-depth look at the symptoms and causes.
3. Outlining the road to recovery, comprising of nutritional advice, testing, recipes and lifestyle tools and strategies, providing patient case studies and clinical expertise

This is the unrivalled solution to all things CFS: an appealing hybrid of self-help, education and how-to.

A highly accessible and practical evidence-based guide, this book is the perfect companion for anyone living with CFS/ME/long covid, loved ones of those affected and medical and healthcare professionals seeking to expand their knowledge. It covers everything from energy management, pacing and exercise to sleep, stress and your mindset - empowering you with the belief that recovery is possible.


What is CFS?


What are the Healthiest Foods? Uncovering Macronutrients